Camino de Santiago: San Juan de Ortega to Castrojerez

Labyrinth near Matagrande

November 24, 2019 We had coffee and croissants for breakfast. Though quite cool, perhaps 36 to 40 degrees, it was not raining or windy. We had coffee about 11:00.

At the outskirts of Burgos we saw a bar/albergue and went there to get a bite to eàt. We saw Daniel, one of the 2 Germans checking into the albergue lodging. He was tired and cold. At his albergue/bar in Ages, he got into an argument with locals and they called the local police. He was kicked out of the albergue at 11 PM and spent the cold night outside without a sleeping bag.

We got to my pension I had booked about 2:30. Steve went on to the municipal albergue and Jorg stayed a night at the pension to avoid snorers. We had an early dinner of paella, chicken and potatoes.

November 25, 2019 I had been walking for 19 straight days, so I am taking one day to rest. I saw the Burgos cathedral, got a haircut, and changed money. Burgos is a large interesting modern city.

After Burgos begins the Meseta, about 100 miles of mostly flat open farming country. If there is bad weather, it will be difficult to avoid. The Meseta ends around Leon.

Credencial stamp of accommodation:

Burgos cathedral


Map of camino segment

Map of camino trip