View from Alto de Mostelares
November 28, 2019 I started walking in the dark about 7:30, no rain but a strong headwind. It was a climb to the top of Alto de Mostelares, with great views. At Itero de Vega I stopped for coffee at albergue/bar I stayed at 5 years before. I talked to French pilgrim, Lily, I had met about a week earlier. I was surprised she was not ahead of me as she is a strong walker.
Got to albergue in Fromista about 2:00 PM. I expected most of the 15 others to arrive later, which they did. I had some drinks with Grace from Michigan, Maddie from Wisconsin, and Kate from Ireland.
Credencial stamp of accommodation:
Fromista church
Albergue in Fromista
Map of camino segment
Map of camino trip