Photo: Graz Clock Tower
May 15, 1979 I walked to town, took the bus to Ljubljana, and then the train to Graz, Austria. I was very much impressed by the wide streets, many cars, and good roads. Very different from Yugoslavia. I stayed at the hostel.
Photo: Jenny and view of Graz
May 16, 1979 In an effort to reduce my load, I donated my jacket and pants to the Red Cross. The downtown area of Graz was very attractive. Only trams were allowed downtown, no cars. Jennie, a US student I had met in Florence, showed me some of the sights. Later I watched the final of the European Cup where Barcelona beat a German team. The game was televised in a bar where I drank beers with other soccer fans.
Photo: Downtown Graz
May 17, 1979 I checked out of the hostel and walked to the Schloss Castle on the edge of Graz. It was situated in a large park, had a big courtyard, and a good hunting museum. One of the museum rooms had many kinds of deformed stuffed animals: crazy antlers, weird feet, 4 legged ducks, etc. The tour of the castle rooms were done in special slippers. There were many chandeliers and paintings.
Photo: Schloss Castle
Map of Map of Austria & Germany