Photo: Fat City Hotel receipt
Jun 12, 1979 Heinrich drove me to Rheine where I took a train to Amsterdam. Upon arrival an American girl gave me an address of a cheap hotel. While walking there I encountered several individuals openly selling grass and drugs. Upon reaching the hotel, I found it was in the midst of the infamous Fat City brothel district. Walking into the hotel to the checkin desk, I noted a sign that proclaimed Absolutely no drugs or drug peddling. Handing me the room receipt, the hotel deskman asked, Want to buy some hash?
I went downtown and saw the Van Gogh museum. I was very impressed with the exhibit. I had some beers with 2 Swedes and a Greek. When we returned to the hotel, the Swedes found they had been robbed of a camera and a flute worth $220. There had been other recent robbery s at the hotel, notably of a brassiere and someones smelly shoes.
The sun doesn t go down until 10 PM and there is still light at 11 PM. Below the hotel was a disco, but despite the noise I had no trouble sleeping.
Photo: Fat City Hotel
Photo: Amsterdam canal
Photo: Typical shop in Amsterdam
Jun 13, 1979 I went to the Bank of America on a rainy morning. I tried to charge money to my Visa card, but I was surprised that they did not perform that transaction. I was running low on cash, so this was a problem.
I went to the Heiniken Brewery and took their tour. It was a great time. I then went to the Rigks museum and viewed the great Dutch master paintings in a foggy state. I met some travelers who were asking about travel in Yugoslavia. They were planning on taking a train through the country but had heard stories of thefts on trains. I told them of my experiences and felt like a seasoned traveler.
I spent the rest of the day walking around the city. Sex shops, prostitution and drug solicitation was everywhere. The canals were dirty. I bought a youth priced ferry ticket to Harwich, England for the next day.
Map of Map of Austria & Germany